How to Keep Your Senior Dog Safe

Folks who have a pet dog certainly understand the deep love for these beautiful, four-legged creatures and how these canines are just like beloved family members.
You feed them, exercise them, plan visits to the vet, and try your best to keep them healthy and protected.
When you have a dog living with you, you want to maintain their safety, especially if it’s an older dog. So, here are some tips on how to keep your senior dog out of harm’s way.
Dogs Just Wanna Have Fun
No matter what age your pooch is they all need exercise and to stretch out and have some fun. You don’t want to deny them their favorite activities, but senior dogs need their human companions to look out for them.
Arthritis is one of those conditions that can affect one in five dogs, according to the Arthritis Foundation.
A veterinarian will be able to diagnose canine arthritis. Supplements, medications, and other treatments are available to manage your dog’s condition so that they can improve getting around, taking walks, and going up and down stairs.
Install a Dog Camera to Monitor
Another solution to ensuring that your aging dog is safe is by keeping a watchful eye over your furry friend even if you’re away from the home. Dogs of all ages can get into mischief and suffer an injury or get into a potentially dangerous product and swallow it, etc.
Having a dog camera is an excellent way to spy on your canine and help monitor what they’re up to. These devices allow you to watch live videos, and some of the cameras let you talk to your pup.
Consider Their Lack of Mobility
A common issue that may result in injury is a senior dog slipping on hardwood floors. An older dog’s paw pads don’t always provide enough traction for walking on smooth surfaces. As they age, their paw pads can wear down and become cracked or dry.
To improve your senior dog’s mobility, you can invest in grips for dogs’ toes. Also, make sure your dog doesn’t walk on surfaces you just mopped or shined. This will prevent your dog from slipping and hurting themselves.
Make Climbing Easier with Dog Steps
An older dog could benefit from the use of a set of dog steps so that your canine friend can avoid jumping off from a higher area such as a bed and avoid possible injury or pain.
Some dog step units are designed to be used as either a ramp or set of stairs and can easily be converted. Side rails on the steps may be preferable for some dogs. The good news is that these dog steps are lightweight and simple to move around.
The Proper Harness and Lift Can Help
An aging dog may also need a bit more extra support, and the right harness and a lift can help keep them vibrant and on the move.
There is a wide variety of harness and lift items you can try. For example, if your dog struggles going up or down the stairs, there is an adjustable harness that will provide total body lifting support.
If your senior dog is recovering from surgery or a recent injury, a walking support sling is another device that is made to gently support the center of your dog’s body as they heal.
Try Healthy Dog Treats That Taste Yummy
There isn’t a dog on the planet that doesn’t enjoy eating its favorite treats.
However, an older dog has different needs, and today, you can find treats made for senior pups that contain vitamins and supplements to support their health.
An aging dog needs treats that are soft and chewy in texture for their older, more sensitive teeth, and there’s a wonderful variety of tasty treats available that do their bodies good.
Your senior dog is an incredible companion, and you want your pup to always be safe and sound. Follow the tips above and watch that beautiful tail keep wagging in delight. Here’s to good dog health!