What Persistent Covid Is, Its Symptoms And How Long It Can Last

With more than a year and a half in constant fight against the coronavirus, the Ministry of Health has been clarifying different issues related to the pandemic. From vaccines to ways to prevent infections, this time he has delved into the symptoms and their prolongation over time . Called persistent covid (or long covid , for lovers of the Anglo-Saxon), this condition occurs in patients who suffer from ailments for more than a week and even months.
When you thought that those days of greater physical fragility, caused by covid-19, had already passed, the symptoms persist or even remit, generating even greater discomfort. It is what is known as persistent covid and similarity of cases have been detected, for which the Ministry of Health has wanted to put on notice.
Through its social networks and with a link to the website where all these types of issues are reported, the institution directed by Carolina Darias intends not to generate unnecessary panic or doubts about the severity of this symptomatology. “Its appearance is not related to the severity of the initial infection , so it can affect both mild and seriously hospitalized patients,” he quotes in an attached infographic.
Therefore, it is advisable not to be alarmed in the event that the symptoms of the coronavirus persist for a long time or remit when everything seemed resolved. It is something that can happen to anyone, and so if it occurs it is advisable to consult with the respective Primary Care doctor .
Is there a group more prone to it?
This is how Health considers it, in a clear message of tranquility in which it also cites the groups most likely to suffer from this persistent covid. And it is that despite the fact that it can occur in any body, it is proven that middle-aged women are the ones who have reported the most cases of ‘long covid’.
How long does persistent covid last?
Producing a high impact on the quality of life, work and social environment, its appearance can occur up to months after the initial infection. This is demonstrated by the investigations carried out, where it is estimated that one in five coronavirus patients have some symptom five weeks after being positive, while the percentage drops to 10% in people who report symptoms up to 12 weeks later.
What symptoms does persistent covid have?
Very in line with what is generated by normal covid-19, the persistent one worsens physical and mental effort as well as causes limitation in functional capacity. In this way, the most frequent symptoms of this prolongation of the coronavirus are:
- General : tiredness, general malaise, muscle and joint pain, dizziness, fever and sleep disorders.
- Respiratory : coughing and feeling short of breath.
- Digestive : diarrhea, loss of appetite and stomach pain.
- Dermatological : rashes, hair loss and nail weakness.
- Neurological : headache, ‘mental fog’, difficulty concentrating, loss of taste and smell, paresthesia and mood disorders.
- Ears, eyes, throat : difficulty swallowing, ringing in the ears, dry eyes or conjunctivitis.
- Cardiovascular : palpitations and changes in blood pressure.
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