Months That Self-Employed Must Contribute To Collect Unemployment

Although they are governed by rules somewhat different from those of employed workers, the self-employed have the right, like them, to unemployment. Of course, due to the special nature of their activity, they must prove that they are in a practical situation of unemployment.
The equivalent to unemployment of the self-employed is the so-called cessation of activity benefit . To be entitled to collect it, and as its name indicates, it is necessary to demonstrate that this situation of cessation of activity has been reached, that is, due to “the concurrence of economic, technical, productive or organizational reasons determining the unfeasibility of the continue the economic or professional activity “included in article 331 of the General Law of Social Security .
To comply with this condition of cessation of activity, among other scenarios, the self-employed person must declare losses greater than 10% of the income of the previous year or face debts of 30% of that income or judicial declarations of insolvency. Self-employed professionals who have premises will have to close them, although they may use them if they do so for non-commercial purposes.
In addition, the self-employed must meet other requirements that are regulated in the same text: be registered in the Special Regime for Self-Employed Social Security Workers, be up-to-date with payment in installments, not be of retirement age, sign the commitment of activity and complete the contribution period of a minimum of 12 months.
This period of contribution gives the right to have a minimum period of benefit, but depending on the time contributed, the self-employed may have a longer coverage. Article 338 of the General Law of Social Security regulates this specific aspect and establishes different periods of duration of the benefit for cessation of activity:
-Four months of benefit if 12 to 17 months have been paid.
-Six months of benefit if 18 to 23 months of contributions have been paid.
-Eight months of benefit if 24 to 29 months have been contributed.
-Ten months of benefit if 30 to 35 months have been contributed.
-Twelve months of benefit if they have been quoted from 36 to 42 months
-16 months of benefit if 43 to 47 months of contributions have been contributed.
-24 months of benefit if 48 months or more have been contributed.
Previously, the payment of the cessation of activity fee was an essential condition (currently it is 0.8% of the contribution base), but since 2019 the payment of said fee is mandatory.
What is the amount of the benefit
To find out what the amount of the benefit will be for cessation of activity, the SEPE (State Public Employment Service) has the answers: it will be 70% of the regulatory base , that is, the contribution bases of the last 12 months, such and as indicated on its website .
This means that the self-employed who contribute for the minimum base (944.40 euros) will have a benefit of approximately 661 euros per month. However, the agency provides maximum amounts for the rest of the cases:
-175% of the Iprem (Public Multiple Effects Income Indicator) in general: 988.58 euros per month.
-200% of the Iprem for people with a dependent child: 1,129.80 euros per month.
-The 225% of the Iprem for people with two or more dependent children: 1,271.02 euros per month.