Face-To-Face Classes, Masks And Distance Of UpTo 1.2 Meters Are Kept

The Government and the autonomous communities have agreed this Wednesday, during the Education Sector Conference, the maintenance of the measures agreed last May in the educational field, such as face-to-face, the mandatory nature of a mask from the age of 6 or the possibility of reducing the interpersonal distance to 1.2 meters in low incidence scenarios.
As explained by the Minister of Education and Vocational Training, Pilar Alegría, at a press conference at the end of the meeting, the main lines that will govern this next school year, which starts in a few weeks, are, firstly, “the maximum presence in all stages and at all levels “, since, in the opinion of the minister, presence has been shown as an” absolutely necessary tool to improve equity in the educational environment. “
The presencialidad the previous year was assumed as essential , particularly from 3 of the ESO, which this year will attempt to cover “all stages and courses.”
For this, as the minister has pointed out, Spain has what it considers a “fundamental tool”: the vaccination strategy . In this sense, Alegría recalled that all the autonomous communities are already vaccinating those over 12 years of age and that “practically” 100% of the teachers have the complete guideline .
According to data from the Ministry of Health this Wednesday, at least 61.7% of young people between 12 and 17 years old have the first dose of the vaccine, and just over 16% are fully vaccinated.
This situation, in addition to allowing maximum presence, will also make it possible to maintain another of the measures that were agreed in May: the flexibility of the interpersonal distance from 1.5 to 1.2 meters , a measure that can be adopted “in the greatest part of the circumstances “, as long as the epidemiological situation allows it.
In any case, Alegría has made a “call for prudence . ” Although the minister celebrates that this course is not going to be “the same” as last year, in a way, due to the “successful pace” of vaccination in our country, this situation cannot lead us to “lower our guard”, she has saying.
“This is the starting situation, if the epidemiological situation improves, we will make more flexible measures because the health authorities will determine it, but today prudence has been key in educational success and that is why we will continue to avoid it,” he said. .
In addition to the presence and the distance of 1.2 meters, the obligation to wear a mask from the age of 6 will also be maintained for the moment, as well as the establishment of stable coexistence groups (the so-called ‘bubble groups’), and others sanitary measures (ventilation, cleaning and disinfection of facilities).
Vaccination as a criterion
During the meeting, which the minister has described as “absolutely fruitful” and in which, in her opinion, the “friendly tone” and “very constructive” has reigned, there have been some communities (at least, Galicia and the Community of Madrid , according to sources present at the meeting) who have suggested that the vaccination rate be taken into account , and not only the incidence , when establishing the different health alert scenarios and, therefore, establishing the measures. That is, depending on how the vaccination goes, the measures are made more flexible.
The minister has delegated this issue to Health, as well as the creation of a registry of vaccinated students and teachers .
Education funds
On the other hand, Alegría has mentioned the approval this August of 13,458 million euros to face Covid in the field of social services . The minister has urged the communities to place education as a “priority” when allocating these funds. As he has commented, 70% of this amount will arrive in September and the remaining 30% in November .
On the subject of ratios and teachers , Alegría has made reference to the transfer “like never before” made by the Government to the communities for educational issues last year, consisting of 2,000 million euros, as well as REACT-EU funds, of about 1.8 billion.