Alegría Announces Incorporation Of Contributions From Autonomous Communities To Infant And Primary Curricula

The Minister of Education and Vocational Training, Pilar Alegría, announced today that the Ministry she directs is holding bilateral meetings with the autonomous communities to incorporate a large part of their contributions to the drafts of the Infant and Primary curricula. He has done so in the Congressional Committee, where he has appeared to explain what are the objectives of his management and the action plans that he is going to put in place to solve the problems of the educational system and achieve a better, fairer and more education. quality.
Participation, dialogue, coordination and co-governance. These are the key principles that will govern the management of Pilar Alegría at the head of the Ministry of Education and Professional Training (MEFP) “in order to achieve the greatest possible consensus” with “an eye toward creating better conditions for the development of teaching, learning and coexistence in the classroom “.
Consensus and participation in the development of the Education Law
The Ministry led by Alegría is immersed in the normative development of the Education Law approved in December 2020. A task now focused on the development of the new curriculum, which is being built with the contributions of the educational community and, also, of the autonomous communities both within the Education Sector Conference and through bilateral meetings.
The minister has reiterated her “total willingness” to “expand support as much as possible” for this curriculum.
The result of this work will be the Royal Decrees of Minimum Education, which will be promulgated in the coming months, and the basic curricula of ESO and Baccalaureate, which will later give rise to the curricula of the different autonomous communities for all educational stages.
The development of this new competency curriculum, practical and based on deeper learning, makes it necessary to also renew the evaluation: build new instruments that deal with the process of acquisition of competencies by male and female students through evaluation in the classroom and the general evaluations of the education system (disappeared in 2010), which will be designed and applied in the next courses.
In addition, Pilar Alegría has announced her intention to develop with the autonomous communities a map of education and training indicators, complementary to the objectives established by the European Union, which allows each territory to establish its goals and achievements based on its context. and characteristics and that it serves to guide decision-making to improve education in Spain.
“Doing it together and working to contribute to common objectives is an act of responsibility and loyalty, not only institutional but, above all, with our citizens, who insistently demand agreements and consensus in education,” the minister stressed.
A law that gives prestige to Artistic Teachings
The minister has announced that next year she will present a rule that will regulate the basic conditions for the management and organization of higher artistic education, which will count on the contributions of the sector and all participating bodies.
“It is time to recognize the fundamental role that these teachings have in our society,” explained the Minister of Education. “They must be given recognition and prestige in accordance with their fundamental contribution to our civilization and our culture,” he added.
Also in 2022, in January, the minister will present a proposal regarding initial training, access and professional development for teachers to whom, the minister stressed, “we have to pay the utmost attention” since “we owe everything to them. good that he has and has had our education “.
The reform of the teaching career, as pointed out by Alegría, “must be lasting and provide stability, so it will only go ahead with an essential negotiation and a necessary agreement.”
A Plan to advance the right to inclusive education
Educational inclusion is one of the principles that the system must uphold, as established by the Education Law. Administrations must provide ordinary schools with the necessary means so that they can attend to students with special needs who so wish and always with the agreement of the families.
“Greater school inclusion is the right way to ensure the highest level of social inclusion throughout life for the majority of children with special needs,” said the minister.
At the same time, special education centers will continue to carry out their essential work with all those boys and girls who need a level of support that is impossible to provide in an ordinary center. “The families of the 38,000 students who go to special education centers can rest easy,” Alegría stressed.
Improving care for all students with special needs by promoting inclusive education is in line with the recommendations of international organizations and with the right claimed by many families.
This recognition will be reflected in a Plan drawn up from the results of the Working Group for the educational inclusion of students with specific educational support needs in which the Ministry works with the autonomous communities.
A better and fairer school
The two main axes of the Government’s educational policy are quality and equity. As explained by the minister, the objective is to develop “an educational policy that enables girls and boys to have full access to a good education without burdens or barriers” and that, at the same time, “provides the necessary economic resources, promote pedagogical renewal and favor better teacher training “.
The scholarship policy is one of the main tools to achieve equity in the educational system. Since 2018, the Government has increased the
budget for these grants by almost 40% to exceed 2,000 million
in the current call, which will increase the number of beneficiaries by more than 24%.
“An educational model is needed that takes into account the reality that inequality begins at school because it comes in the backpack of children,” explained Pilar Alegría. “An education that gives more support to those who need it most so that everyone can obtain that essential and sufficient educational level that public administrations are obliged to provide”.
More Vocational Training, more future for young people
The draft Law on Vocational Training, which is now beginning its parliamentary process, is the most important immediate milestone of the MEFP and “one of the most urgent projects from the educational point of view and the most convenient from the social point of view”, in words of its owner.
It is a text that is born from a broad consensus, which consolidates and orders a unique Vocational Training system aimed at students and workers (employed and unemployed) to facilitate training itineraries throughout people’s professional lives.
The future law, approved by the Council of Ministers on September 7, will be created with financing of 5,474 million euros for its implementation, of which 1,550 million come from the Recovery Plan.
Alegría has conveyed to the members of the Commission its “maximum availability to perfect the project” which may be “one of the most effective responses to give that opportunity that we owe to a generation of young people to have access to decent and quality employment. “.