FIGAN 2021 Closes Its Doors With An Influx Of Around 50,000 Visitors

The International Fair for Animal Production has brought together 827 exhibiting firms, in addition to institutions and professionals, at the Zaragoza Fair for four days.
Around 50,000 people have visited the four pavilions that made up this edition and that, in the words of the President of the Organizing Committee, Eduardo Berges, has been “a very professional visitor, with a very technological look and who is clear that the future of the sector passes for digitization and sustainability “.
The head of Feria de Zaragoza, Manuel Teruel, has spoken along the same lines, who has highlighted the high level exhibited by companies that show the “qualitative leap” that the sector has led in recent years. “FIGAN is the largest livestock forum in Spain and one of the main in Europe and that is only possible with the support of the entire sector,” said Teruel.
The fair institution has valued the work carried out by companies and their investment in R + D + i through the Technical News Contest, which on this occasion has distinguished 37 products, projects and equipment that mark the path of what the market is and will be in the coming years.
In addition, more than 750 head of select cattle have gathered in Hall 7. With the support of Feagas, some of the most relevant live specimens that exist in the Spanish geography have been shown and that have great importance at a genetic, tourist and gastronomic level.
FIGAN will return to the Zaragoza Fair calendar in the spring of 2023. The fair institution is already beginning to work on this next edition, the number sixteen, to make it the undisputed forum for the business of the international agricultural industry.