Sánchez Announces A Cultural Bonus Of 400 Euros For Young People

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has announced that the General State Budgets will include a youth cultural voucher of 400 euros for young Spaniards who turn 18 years old. This was announced by the Chief Executive during his appearance after participating in the EU-Western Balkan Summit in Slovenia.
In this sense, he stressed that it is a direct help such as that already enjoyed by young people from other European countries such as France and Italy for the purchase of books or the consumption of any type of artistic and aesthetic activity, such as theater, cinema or Dance.
Thus, he stressed that they want to continue offering young people help for emancipation and bring them closer to Spanish culture and “among all” lend a hand to the cultural industry, with the aim of creating a “virtuous circle”. Sánchez considers that it is an “exciting measure” that is committed not only to young people but to an industry “so important” that it has suffered from the pandemic.
Previously, the First Vice President and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, had advanced this Wednesday that the negotiation of the General State Budgets (PGE) for 2022 includes the creation for the first time of a cultural bonus for young people.
During the official act of the Spanish Cinema Day at the Filmoteca, Díaz has advanced this measure and pointed to other “transversal” measures. “We are defining for the first time the Statute of the Artist, but also in the budget negotiation there is a very relevant measure, for the first time a cultural bonus for young people,” he said.
The minister has not specified more measures, but has stressed that “in these days” will be known “more singularities of it.” “All the measures that we are outlining are versatile. It is a global package of measures and that we are going to try to serve to change people’s lives,” added Díaz.
In addition, he has sent a message of support for Spanish cinema. “I want to support all professions in the world of cinema and many of the measures from the Ministry of Labor have been to protect for the first time in democracy an important sector for us,” he concluded.