Everything You Need To Know About Kiln Dried Wood

Wood is naturally hygroscopic and has the property of absorbing and retaining moisture. As you know, high-water firewood is not suitable for burning. Traditionally, it was necessary to “season” firewood, which was left alone for several months, dried thoroughly, and then burned.
What Is Kiln-Dried Wood?
It is wood that has been moisturized in a kiln. In the kiln, the environment, such as temperature, humidity, and steam quantity, can be controlled for a specific time. Kiln dried logs can be dried faster than natural and to the desired moisture content.
Types Of Kiln Dried Wood
Now we discuss various types of kilns that could lead to different results.
- Convention: water is evaporated by a ventilator or fan and discharged out of the kiln.
- Dehumidification: A kiln that uses a heating pump to evaporate moisture from the wood. However, this method is energy efficient and economical because heat from moisture can be reused.
- Solar: A kiln system that collects renewable energy with a collector and supplies the necessary heat. It is the most environmentally friendly method, but it is unpredictable because it depends on the weather, location, and the output of the heat collector.
Kiln Drying Wood Process
- First, cut the greed wood into 12 to 24 inches and split.
- The broken wood is put into a kiln log burner and dried for 48 to 72 hours at 200 to 250°F.
- When the optimum moisture content is reached, and the temperature is USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) specified, firewood is discharged from the kiln.
- Firewood from the wood kiln loses water to nearly half its weight, and all insects, fungi, and molds are removed.
Advantages y
There are many advantages of timber drying borders.
- The wood is dried in a kiln to be used effectively as fuel.
- It burns more easily and produces less smoke than raw wood.
- The kiln’s heat kills almost all insects, larvae, eggs, molds, and fungi in the wood.
- Because it does not contain water, it is much lighter than raw wood and is easier to transport and store.
- The heat disinfects it in the kiln, so treating it with strong chemicals is unnecessary.
- Because no insects, pests, or molds develop, they can be stored for a long time, and there is no risk of wood decay.
Comparison of Kiln Dried Wood and Seasoned Wood
While it can be said that Kiln wood is superior to seasoned wood in almost all aspects, while Kiln-dried wood provides a cleaner and more efficient heat source, it is slightly more expensive than season wood. Also, Kiln-dried wood is free of insects and molds. On the contrary, seasoned wood is stored for a long time to dry it completely, so many insects may occur in the storage area.
Is Kiln Dried Wood Environmentally Friendly?
Yes. Kiln dried wood are environmentally friendly. Wood is classified as a renewable energy source, with VAT on domestic wood fuel being charged at a reduced rate of 5%. Trees absorb carbon dioxide as well as turn it into energy. Wood cut can be replanted into reliable forests that regulate the process.