How to live a stress-free life: A mantra to live a happy lifestyle

In this blog, you will not read the things which are mentioned on google or theoretical definitions. Because we are not interested to make this blog boring for you, we have divided this blog into two phases with different tips for living a stress-free life.
However, we would love to talk about the role of spirituality, and technology in making life happier and stress-free.
So let’s start this blog…
Phase 1
In phase 1, we will talk about spirituality and herbal tips to overcome mental stress.
Why are people stressed every time?
We always run behind money, pleasure, desire, and so on. And if we are wealthy in our life we think we have a good lifestyle. And if we don’t then we think our life sucks. But we decline the things which we have in our life the “good things.”
The reason being is we unnoticed the things that we have in our life: a good house to live in, a good family, good friends, and whatever that we have in our life.
If you think that I have no such things in my life that I expect to have then your life will suck. And if you think that I have so many things in my life that many others do not have then you will feel happy.
The game is all about how you think your life is. Ask this question to yourself
- Do I have a home to live in?
- Do I have food to eat?
- Do I am able to walk, speak, and have eyes to see this beautiful world?
- Do I have enough money to fulfil my basic wants?
- Do I have my family with me?
If you have yes to 3 out of 5 questions then you are living a good lifestyle. Because there are so many people who do not have even these basic things and if you have then you are really lucky.
However, many people think that having a luxurious car, and a big home is a real definition of living a happy life.
If we consider this point as truth then only 10% of the population of this world is living a good and happy lifestyle and the rest are living badly. Isn’t it? No.
Although, stress comes when we think these things are the reality. Otherwise, everything is normal in life. Having the stress of a job, study, career, and so on is normal. We make it more unnormal by thinking deeply and overanalyzing it.
Tips to make your life delightful: Live life don’t spend it
Implementing these tips will help you to release stress and live a happy lifestyle.
#1 Do things that make you happy not others
Do things that make you feel happy not others. We are never tired of doing things on our own, right? We just think that whatever I am doing would be liked by everyone.
But never asked ourselves this question- whatever am I doing in my life is it going to make me happy or am I happy with this?
If you are not happy with what you are doing then what is it mean to do for others?
“Nobody can make you happy until you’re not happy with yourself”
#2 Exercise: A way to remove stress physically
Doing exercise will keep your body physically stress-free. For instance, you are working 10 hours daily and after completing the day you are so tired physically and mentally.
The reason being is you work constantly for 10 hours. Here’s what you can do to make it stress and pain-free.
You can apply methods like the Pomodoro technique in which you have to take breaks at certain intervals. Set a timer of 25 mins and after ringing the alarm takes 5 min of break. Continue this for at least two-three times.
After completing 2-3 work periods of 25 minutes take a longer break of 20-30 minutes. And continue to do it until your work period is over.
Meanwhile, you can do exercises like stretching that can help you to keep your body pain-free which eventually reduces the stress on your body. Now at the end of the day, you will not feel tired.
“Sometimes you feel stressed physically not mentally”
#3 Meditation: Helps you to understand yourself
Meditation is the herbal medicine for all physical and mental illnesses. It is very effective in reducing stress. Meditation is the gateway that allows you to understand yourself.
Meditation will keep your brain calm and increase your thinking power to handle certain situations which eventually stop occurring circumstances where you feel stressed, anxious, and depressed.
#4 Consuming nutritional food
Stress can also occur due to eating unhygienic food. It is scientifically proven. The food you consume directly affects the processes in your body. Good food can stress you out and bad food can stress you in.
So, choose your meal perfectly. Junk foods are good in taste but not good for the body.
#5 Stop overthinking: A loophole of an imaginary world
We all are trapped in an overthinking loop somewhere in our life. Many times we think unnecessarily and make situations worse by assuming imaginary thinking as reality.
It might seem like a small problem but it plays a big role when you are feeling stressed. The amount of stress increases on the basis of your thinking process the more you think the more you feel stress.
So try to overcome overthinking and meditation can help you in this.
“Don’t overanalyze the situation just keep it simple”
Phase 2
In phase 2, we will talk about technological solutions and how one can take the help of a psychiatrist to overcome mental stress.
How can a psychiatrist help to get out of mental illness? Can technology help them too?
When the situation gets out of control or maybe worse, then taking the help of a psychiatrist is the best option.
Psychiatrists can help you overcome mental stress, anxiety, and even from depression through psychotherapy or talk therapy.
During pandemic situations, people are deeply stressed, have anxiety attacks, and even are in depression for many months.
In that scenario, the healthcare professionals were not able to treat the patients.
But due to solutions like telemedicine app development healthcare professionals are able to treat patients virtually without coming in touch.
Technological solutions like telemedicine are removing the barriers between patients and doctors.
Can technology help us to live a stress-free life?
Of course, technology helps in many ways. Technology is an effective channel to treat mental illness.
Even though there is AI-based software where you can talk with AI-therapists who understand and identify the root cause of your mental illness and treat you.
Let’s understand with a proper example…
Source: The Guardian
Meet Ellie. She is a part of the university’s Simsensei project. She asks questions in a non-judgemental way and body language of her is so encouraging and responsive. She is highly trained and skilful at picking up cues of mental illness.
She is a virtual therapist who identifies the cause of mental illness of the patients by asking questions and talking friendly. Her AI algorithm detects depression.
She is not just listening to the words but also judging the tone and facial expressions that accompany the words.
For better understanding watch the video given below…
It’s one of the incredible innovations which helps patients who are suffering from mental illness.
Part of technology in making life relaxing in the future
There is no doubt that technology is going to be the future of making life easier and stress less. Technology has seeped into every part of our lives.
It is not just a helping hand for mental therapy but also in various aspects of healthcare which makes care delivery more reliable.
Modern solutions of technology like patient management software, healthcare app development, and healthcare software development can be used to make healthcare more affordable and accessible for everyone.
Although, the most important aspect to overcome mental health illness is to live with a positive mindset.
God has given us so many gifts to us but “the one thing you can gift to god is by living your life happily”