How to Naturally Strengthen Your Immune System

This is the time of the year when it is most important to be diligent about keeping your immune system firing on all cylinders. Although you cannot prevent exposure to every illness, there are steps that you can take to give your immune system a boost. Here are seven ways that you can naturally strengthen your immune system.

Understand What is Making You Sick

The first step in boosting your immunity is to understand what is making you sick. Participating in an expert integrative health and wellness program will give you an edge if supporting immune function is your goal. 

A personalized program using a holistic approach will help you to understand what may be making you sick so that you can take steps to address the issue. You can then develop a strategy of preventive practices to keep your immune system humming.

Nourish Your Body

The cornerstone of optimal immune function is a commitment to eating healthy. There is no way to cut corners when it comes to how you nourish your body. A solid diet includes a wide array of colorful fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products. 

Micronutrients that have been identified to be particularly helpful for immune function include vitamin B6, vitamin E, vitamin C, zinc, and magnesium. You also need to be mindful of avoiding foods that may hamper your immune function, including added sugars and trans fats.

Prioritize Sleep

The amount of sleep that you get each night has a direct correlation to your overall immune health. Although the occasional restless night will not have a significant impact on your immune system, a chronic sleep deficiency will certainly wreak havoc on the body’s ability to fight off illness and disease. Establishing a regular sleep pattern and taking steps to create an ideal sleeping environment are both ways to ensure that you are properly rested.

Reduce Stress Levels

Some amount of stress in your life is normal and healthy. However, excessive stress can lower the function of your immune system. For this reason, it is important to take active steps to reduce chronic stress. This means taking time for self-care. 

Whether that be indulging in a massage, spending time over coffee with a friend, or taking a long bath at the end of the day, the goal is to take time for yourself. Other good self-care strategies shown to reduce stress include journaling, exercising, meditating, and seeking the help of a professional therapist.

Exercise Regularly

There is no substitute for regular exercise in an overall health and wellness plan. Getting the heart pumping and working up a sweat boosts your cardiovascular fitness, reduces blood pressure levels, helps to control body weight, and guards against several diseases and illnesses. 

Be sure to choose an activity that you enjoy so that you are more likely to stick with it for the long term. The one caveat is that exercise when you are already feeling under the weather can actually make your immune system have to work harder.

Lean on Vitamins and Supplements Wisely

The best strategy to achieve optimal immune function is to nourish your body with the right foods. However, there can also be a place for vitamins and supplements if you choose them wisely. 

You should lean on vitamins and supplements as an extra layer of insurance for your overall nutritional program. These products should not be the cornerstone of your nutritional plan but rather a practice to fill in the gaps.

Kick the Bad Habits

You cannot expect to enjoy good immune function if you also engage in bad habits such as smoking and excessive drinking. Smoking significantly impacts the immune system while alcohol leaves you feeling rundown and more vulnerable to illness. 

Now is the time to kick these bad habits. Your body will become stronger if it is no longer processing the tar and nicotine in cigarettes, giving your immune system a substantial boost.

Bottom Line

The body’s immune system is a complex function that is influenced by a number of factors. Practicing these seven strategies will put your body in the best position to handle what winter brings.

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