The Best Sweet On All Saints’ Day Arrives At Mercadona

One more year the bakeries are preparing to receive All Saints’ Day. One of the national festivities where it is most typical to eat sweets and that also leaves a wide catalog according to the region or the taste of each person. From bones of saint to buds of Santa Teresa, passing through panellets or chestnuts, however, the king of the shelves is the donut . A product that, although with more and more flavors, is in the formats of cream, cream and truffle where it is most in demand for a sample of Mercadona’s latest bet.
Mercadona’s dessert catalog has welcomed an assortment of fritters filled with cream, cream and truffle that opens in style in front of the Todos los Santos bridge. In frozen format , yes, so that they last for several days, the product in question consists of a tray with 24 fritters (they weigh around 400 grams), eight of each variety.
At a price of 4.75 euros per tray, this article can already be found in all the establishments of the Valencian chain, as well as online. In addition, given the culture of Juan Roig’s company with the city of Turia, buñuelos acquire greater relevance since it is also typical to eat them in Fallas .
In regards to their ingredients, these fritters are made with liquid egg, wheat flour, water, butter, whole milk, and salt. In addition, depending on the filling, they contain different emulsifiers, stabilizers, palm oil as well as a preparation based on vegetable fats and cream (cream version), cream preparation (cream) or preparation based on vegetable fats, cream and cocoa powder (truffle ).
Who is behind the success of these donuts?
Very well received during the final stretch of October, the company behind the success of Mercadona’s fritters is Mercapastry . A company based in Boadilla del Monte (Madrid), specialized in the bread and pastry industry but oriented to special dates such as Three Kings Day (roscón de Reyes), Holy Week (torrijas) or, as in this case, the day of All Saints (fritters).
The latest product to join Mercadona’s dessert catalog, direct to sweeten the upcoming festivities and have a great reception among the chain’s customers, as they already had other items aimed at the sweet tooth in the house.