Open Pre-Registration For INAEM ‘Food Of Aragón And Its Differentiated Quality’ Course

Five training centers have been selected to teach the course ‘Food from Aragón and its differentiated quality’, developed by the General Directorate of Agri-Food Innovation and Promotion with the collaboration of the HORECA channel and which has been included in the Service’s Training Specialties Catalog National Employment Agency (SEPE).
These are the Indavi Training Center, in the Zaragoza municipality of Caspe, the Imforma Academy, in the Huesca town of Jaca, and Horeca Formación, Formación Asesores en Selección y Empleo SL and the Atlantic Ocean Training Center, the latter three located in the Aragonese capital, the regional executive has informed in a press release.
In the case of the Atlantic Ocean Training Center, pre-registration has already been opened, which can be done through the website of the Aragonese Employment Institute (INAEM) ‘ ‘, where you can see the dates scheduled in the rest of the centers, whose pre-registration will be able to start gradually.
The impulse of this course responds to the need of the professionals of the HORECA channel to have support to technically master the foods of Aragon, the aforementioned sources have pointed out.
They have added that the differentiated quality of food is a quality that is increasingly demanded by the consumer, however, there is very little information and adequate training in the professional field, to convey to the customer the benefits of the food of Aragon.
Potential audience
The Government of Aragon has underlined that the hotel industry, the food industry and activities related to food constitute a very important economic sector in the autonomous community and, consequently, there is a wide potential audience for this course.
The General Directorate of Agrifood Innovation and Promotion has promoted this activity within the multiple actions that are being carried out with the hospitality sector, such as sponsorships, collaborations with events and competitions.
In this case, it will be taught in face-to-face format, with a duration of 30 hours and is divided into three modules, the first on brands and figures of differentiated quality in the European Union and in Spain; the second on the potential of the agri-food sector and figures of differentiated quality in Aragon and the third on food from Aragon in cuisine and restoration.
The course is part of the INAEM call for aid for the training of the unemployed financed with European React-EU funds and to guarantee access to this training for people with greater difficulties of insertion or maintenance in the labor market, in the selection processes will take priority.
Specifically, it will take into account people with low qualifications, the long-term unemployed, victims of gender violence, women not incorporated into the labor market for more than five years, as well as people who are in a situation or at risk exclusion or who have a disability, among others.