Below is the List of Contributors and Editors of SilverSurferToday.
Simon Nichols
Simon is based all over the world. He hates to be tied down and is a total roamer. We love that Simon has been everywhere because it means he always has the best global stories about the craziest things.
Sandy Cooper
Sandy is married to Simon and it was the two of them who dreamed up the idea of this site. reporting the latest news but telling people who are a little older about the most amazing lives and experiences that are yet to be lived. Together they have a lust for life that is unstoppable.
Max Livesley
Max is the team adventurer. Who said that you had to slow down when you were in your 50’3. Max just went and got a whole lot more adventurous. Max loves to write on anything that will inspire the Silver Surfers to keep behaving like they are in their twenties. Max has a passion for youth and intends to live until he is 120!
Martha Flanders
Martha has had possibly the most interesting life of anyone we have ever met here at Silver Surfer Today. She has worked in China, Singapore, Argentina and Australia. She has crewed a yacht around the world and also climber Kilimanjaro. Martha has no intention to slow down and has just celebrated turning 55 by buying herself a road bike. Her intention is to start cycling and exploring the hills of Mallorca next year.