7 Effective Techniques to Avoid Travel Fatigue

travel fatigue

Traveling long distances can take its toll. And though travel fatigue is not a common topic, research has found that it exists. This temporary distress you feel from traveling is prevalent on any long-term trip. After being on alert for too many days or weeks of travel, you might feel total exhaustion, resulting in apathy towards the travel activities you usually enjoy.

With the right steps, it’s possible to avoid travel fatigue so you can continue enjoying your trip.

Here are seven effective techniques to avoid travel fatigue:

  1. Use Light Exposure Technique

Jet lag happens when your body rhythm gets disrupted by a change in the time zone. Recent research has found that you can avoid travel fatigue and jet lag by engaging in 3 hours periods of light avoidance and exposure. Sports Medicine expert, Dina C. Janse van Rensburg, co-authored a publication on how light exposure can help the body adapt to changing time zones for jet lag. According to the research, you can train your body for what is coming by avoiding light for three hours in the daytime and exposing yourself to three hours of sunlight at night based on the time of your travel destination. During the periods that your body will associate with being in the day or night, stay in light or darkness accordingly to trick the body rhythm.

  • Grab a Pack of CBD Gummies

Have you ever sat on a runway and wished you had a piece of candy that would somehow reduce your flight anxiety? The good news is delicious CBD products from sundayscaries.com  may help you relax. Cannabidiol gummy is one of many forms that CBD comes in. CBD is a common remedy for fatigue and pain-related ailments, although not restricted to it. Studies have found that CBD gummies do not get you high since it usually has almost no THC — agent responsible for euphoria when cannabidiol goes into the body system. Taking this gummy can help to relax your body and mind, which sets the tone for an enjoyable trip.

  • Regulate Your Caffeine Intake

As a central nervous system stimulant, caffeine impacts brain activityby raising cortisol and adrenaline production rates in the body. In small doses, it helps to focus and relax, so it can help with travel stress and jet lag if regulated.

A controlled intake of caffeine and melatonin can help avoid fatigue or hasten recovery from it. You may also consider abandoning caffeine intake if you can manage to take tea instead.

  • Try to Manage Your Rhythm

Symptoms for a disrupted body rhythm may include insomnia, drowsiness, excessive sleepiness, bad mood, lack of concentration, loss of appetite, stomach upset, etc. These feelings are a nightmare for anyone on a journey.

Adapting to a change is a big deal for the human “biological clock.” It is relatively unnecessary to try altering your body rhythm if you are in a new environment for only a short period. In this case, try to control your mind to feel at home as best as possible. Talk to family or friends, and meet new people that may make you feel more comfortable in the new area. However, when the journey involves several time zones, plan and prepare.

  • Eat Healthily

While traveling, people often choose unhealthy street fries instead of fresh fruits and veggies. Although having a little local food, albeit unhealthy, is part of the overall travel experience. It is vital to note that abandoning healthy eating and sleeping habits can raise stress levels and contribute to fatigue in the journey.

Constant body nourishment is key to overall health, so minding what goes into your body is a good start to controlling fatigue. If you put in a good mindset and implement coping techniques, it is also crucial to take the necessary nutrients. Having an adequate intake of essential nutrients like B Vitamins can improve stamina and boost your mood. A way to ensure you eat healthily is to prepare your meal when you are in a new environment.

  • Exercise

When your car, bus, or train sway during trips, your body muscle experiences tension while adjusting to these changes. This experience is similar to how you feel very sore after lifting dumbbells outside your usual weight in the gym. Similarly, a person that engages in a lot of physical activity would cope with travel stress easier because the body is better accustomed to tensions. Getting involved in sports and other physical activities can help prepare your body against severe travel fatigue.

  • Get Enough Sleep

Avoid disrupting your sleep routines during the journey. If you’re on a short-term trip, a quick solution is to take a nap. For long trips, make an early night of it for several days in a row. Experts recommend seven to eight hours of sleep for well-being. However, long days, jet lag, and strange beds associated with travel can aggravate any sleep issues you might be having.

Besides, the excitement and fun of traveling, enjoying the company of new friends, or late nights out drinking can result in not getting enough sleep.


Avoiding travel fatigue takes planning before, during, and after your travel. It’s advisable to eat a healthy diet, drink a lot of water, and control your sleep time with the techniques mentioned in this article before you reach your travel destination.






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